What I'm doing now

Updated June 16th, 2024, from my home in the northern German countryside. It's a cool, rainy summer here-just the way I like it.

Circle Hand

I co-founded a SaaS company called Circle Hand in November 2023 and this is where I spend most of my time by far.

We're building a CMS and CRM for 2nd hand consignment stores. Currently, we have 28 customers and are default dead, living off equity-free funding from a sustainability-focused accelerator. Our runway is until the end of this year.

Preparing for "Rad am Ring"

I picked up cycling during the pandemic and will participate in my first event this July. "Rad am Ring" is a 24-hour team event held on the Nürburgring race track. My goal here is simply to survive and complete at least one lap.

My training basically lacks all specificity, as I've re-started 5x5 strength training for the hundredth time in May and prefer runs for my VO2 max workouts. So riding my Kickr Core so that I spend roughly 80% of my workout time in Zone 1 and 2 is the only riding I do, really.

I rode the Ring in Gran Turismo 4 though, so I'm confident I'll be fine.


Our dog Cooper is a 4-year-old Australian Shepherd and a constant project, so he'll probably have a permanent spot on this list.

We recently bought a Burley Tail Wagon bike trailer so that he can travel with us when we do bike tours during the summer.

Being an Aussie, he's naturally very convinced this thing wants to kill him, so we're getting him used to it in very small steps.

Grappling with the Superpower that is Anki/Spaced Repetition

After almost 20 years of periodically trying to make it a habit, is seems like I have finally succeeded in making Anki stick. (All it took in the end was learning how to write prompts that don't want to make me kill myself every card.)

So now I'm in that phase where I try to apply it to as many things as possible. What could go wrong, right?

btw. did you know that the Hadaicum eon ended around 4 Billion years ago? I do now.

... Yeah.